Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mi Carta


Me llamo Valerie y estoy en la clase de espanol cuatro de senorita Page. Tengo deicesiete anos y asisto Charlottesville Highschool en Charlottesville, Virginia. Soy extrovirtida y amable. Paso mucho tiempo estudiando y jugando deportes. Cuando no estoy estudiando, duermo, viajo y paso tiempo con mis amigos. Juego hockey de campo, baloncesto y practico el atletismo. Soy muy competitiva. Trato de ser lo mejor en todo lo que hago. Tomo espanol porque mi madre piensa que es muy importante. Ojala que seria una ayuda en el futuro. Vivo con mi madre, hermana mayor y mi padrastro en la misma casa donde naci. Aunque amo mi casa, estoy lista para mudarme porque Charlottesville es muy aburrido. Quiero mudar a Qatar cuando sea mas mayor. ¿Y que cuentas de ti? ¿Cuales son tus intereses y tienes ganas de visitar los EEUU? Como es donde vives? ¿Como te gusta aprender espanol?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Poema y refleccion


HAY cementerios solos, tumbas llenas de huesos sin sonido,el corazón pasando un túneloscuro, oscuro, oscuro,como un naufragio hacia adentro nos morimos,como ahogarnos en el corazón,como irnos cayendo desde la piel al alma.
Hay cadáveres,hay pies de pegajosa losa fría,hay la muerte en los huesos,como un sonido puro,como un ladrido sin perro,saliendo de ciertas campanas, de ciertas tumbas,creciendo en la humedad como el llanto o la lluvia.
Yo veo, solo, a veces,ataúdes a velazarpar con difuntos pálidos, con mujeres de trenzas muertas,con panaderos blancos como ángeles,con niñas pensativas casadas con notarios,ataúdes subiendo el río vertical de los muertos,el río morado,hacia arriba, con las velas hinchadas por el sonido de la muerte,hinchadas por el sonido silencioso de la muerte.
A lo sonoro llega la muerte como un zapato sin pie, como un traje sin hombre,llega a golpear con un anillo sin piedra y sin dedo,llega a gritar sin boca, sin lengua, sin garganta.Sin embargo sus pasos suenany su vestido suena, callado, como un árbol.
Yo no sé, yo conozco poco, yo apenas veo,pero creo que su canto tiene color de violetas húmedas,de violetas acostumbradas a la tierraporque la cara de la muerte es verde,y la mirada de la muerte es verde,con la aguda humedad de una hoja de violetay su grave color de invierno exasperado.
Pero la muerte va también por el mundo vestida de escoba,lame el suelo buscando difuntos,la muerte está en la escoba,es la lengua de la muerte buscando muertos,es la aguja de la muerte buscando hilo.La muerte está en los catres:en los colchones lentos, en las frazadas negrasvive tendida, y de repente sopla:sopla un sonido oscuro que hincha sábanas,y hay camas navegando a un puertoen donde está esperando, vestida de almirante.


El tema principal es muerte. El poema describe la muerte como un cadaver, cosas vacias, y una escoba. El poema es muy raro porque el solo habla sobre muerte y nada mas. El usa metaforas como "llega la muerte como un zapato sin pie, como un traje sin hombre," y personificacion como "la cara de la muerte es verde, y la mirada de la muerte es verde." Pable Neruda habla mucho sobre muerte y no me sorprende porque tiene un poema sobre su perro muerto. Yo pienso que el poema es muy interesante. Yo no he pensado de muerte como el lo hace. Yo pienso que la muerte es un hombre en una capa negra y no como una escoba o un traje sin hombre.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


El poema es muy triste. El poema me hizo pensar sobre gente que murieron en 9/11. Esa gente tuvieron familias. Ahora Esas familias estan faltando alguien. Esa gente no sabian que iban a morir. Me hizo pensar sobre mi vida y mi familia y mi tierra. Estaba confundida sobre "Alabanza." No se porque el lo usa. La estructura me intereso porque es diferente.

Senenya muestra su lado mas femenino

Semenya de Sur Africa, y tiene 18 anos, y tiene que tomar una prueba de sexo. Ella tiene que confirmar su sexo despues de haber granado los 800 metros en las Olimpiadas. Su familia se molesto pero no Semenya. Ella es muy segura con ella misma.

Ella poso para la portada de You, una revista sudafricana. Ella mostro su lado femenino porque no puede hacerlo en la competicion. Ella se vistio en vestidos y camisas y tacones. Alguna gente fueron enojados y otra gente les gusto.

Ella no esta afectada por todo esto. Ella le gusta como ella se ve.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another day, another wedding. The chandelier thought.Do humans ever get tired of the boring ritual that supposedly bonds two together?It was Saturday in December that the Italian-Irish couple decided to get married. They were a really funny looking couple. The bride, who was at least six foot, was taller than her fiancé by at least eight inches. She was really pretty, too. She looked like she could be in her mid-thirties. The man was short, bald and pushing ninety. The worts on his head looked like mounds of mud. “Oh my gosh,” the chandelier gasped. “She’s getting married again?” It took a while to recognize the woman she had seen on multiple occasions. She has seen the Italian a dozen times in the past.She had on the same dress: A thin, pink strapless with four ruffles at the bottom. Same hairdo: up in a bun.It was a small wedding, with only thirty people. None of them looked happy, not even the bride. It was only her family.Suspicious.The bride looked annoyed. Maybe he was too old, and unattractive. Or maybe she was getting tired of the play she was starring in over and over again.Poor woman. Maybe the man had a nice personality.Or maybe she was forced into doing it.He probably had money.
As the couple stood at the alter, everyone was dead silent. No one moved. The priestest was talking so slow. When she spoke,her back looked really interesting to her. As she began to speak, the bride began to cry.“Blah blah blah blah.” Was all I heard from then on.As the groom leaned in for the kiss, the bride stepped back. He fell forward flat on his face.The whole room began to laugh.He got up slowly and began to laugh at himself.The bride was still crying.As the piano began to play, they began to walk out of the room.As they stepped between the first two rows, a man grabbed the groom and then pushed him to the ground.The man shot him until he was dead.

I wish today would be as special as the first time. But I knew it wasn't going to be. This one, like the last few, were ugly. Short and old and ugly. Money was suppose to make men look better, but not really."Another big day!" my mother said excitedly. "You know what to do."Oh, shut up, I thought. I put on a big, beautiful but fake smile; something I’ve practiced so many times before. Everything has been done so many times before.The pink dress: faded from use.The hair: simple.The shoes: my favorite.......................................................................As I walk down the isle, I take in the scene. The room was huge, too big for the small wedding. My family took up only the four first front rows. His family didn't come; they never do.I look up, and I see the most beautiful thing in the room: the chandelier. Italian, just like me. Looking at it gave me some confidence, knowing everything was just how i left it. Half way down the isle, I think of all of the thirteen men I had married before. Justin, Jacob, Anthony, Josh, Michael, Sean, Robert, Rob, Antonio, Ashton, Malcolm, Stan and Thomas. Their rings lay in my parents' trophy case along with my brother's football, swimming and tennis trophies.
My brother, their favorite. He made money for them. Me; their star player in the game of marriage. I win when i marry rich and divorce with money. Except for with Justin. I just lost. Before I reach my husband to be, I put my game face on. I am ready to win.

Ugh, he is so ugly, old and short. As i stand in front of him, I recognize everything I dislike about him. He is SO OLD.

Then the tears came. I don’t know from where, but they were really coming.As the priestest began to talk, I began to zone out. Blah blah blah blah blah is all i heard."You may kiss the bride."When I came down from the clouds, I noticed the old man leaning in to kiss me. startled, I leaned backwards resulting in him falling.The crowd began to laugh. As I make my routine trip down the isle with my fourteenth husband, he fell walking through the second isle.Oh well, there goes another husband.

Monday, February 16, 2009

the wedding

Another day, another wedding. The chandelier thought.
Do humans ever get tired of the boring ritual that supposedly bonds two together?
Not at all, because this is they are still doing it.
This story might intrigue you. It might also make you think twice about getting married if you are not sure about your partner and his/her family.
It was Saturday in December that the Brazilian(or some type of Italian)-Irish couple decided to get married. They were a really funny looking couple. The bride, who was at least six foot, was taller than her fiancé by at least eight inches. She was really pretty, too. She looked like she could be in her mid-thirties. The man, on the other hand, was short, bald and pushing ninety. The worts on his head looked like mounds of mud. Ew.
Such a weird couple…
“Oh my gosh,” the chandelier gasped. “She’s getting married again?” It took a while to recognize the woman she had seen on multiple occasions. She has seen the Brazilian at least a dozen times in the past five years.
What happened to the last one? She should have stopped asking after the fifth one…
She had on the same dress: A thin, pink strapless with four ruffles at the bottom. Same hairdo: up in a bun.
The scene looked too familiar.
It was a small wedding, with only thirty people there. None of them looked happy, not even the bride. All of them were her family.
The bride looked really annoyed. Maybe he was too old, and unattractive. Maybe he was more attractive head on…
Or maybe she was getting tired of the play she was starring in over and over again.
Poor woman. Maybe the man had a nice personality.
Or maybe she was forced into doing it.
He probably had money…Whatever the reason, didn’t seem like a good one.
As the couple stood at the alter, everyone was dead silent. No one moved.
Something was about to happen.
The priestest was talking so slow. As she spoke, whatever was behind her back looked really interesting to her. As she began to speak, the bride began to cry.
“Blah blah blah blah.” Was all I heard from then on.
As the groom leaned in for the kiss, the bride stepped back. He fell forward flat on his face.
The whole room began to laugh.
He got up slowly and began to laugh at himself.
The bride was still crying.
As the piano began to play, they began to walk out of the room.
As they stepped between the first two rows, a man with greasy hair grabbed the groom. He then pushed him to the ground.
As he was on the ground, the man shot him until he was dead.
Sad Story.
He had it coming. Ignorance of your wife’s past could hurt in the future.
Haha, it did more than hurt this man.
Marriage, such a waste of time.
Now divorce court….THAT is something to be apart of.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dear Mr. Obama,

I would like to say congratulations on your presidential election. I admire you a lot for your accomplishment. As president, people are looking forward to you making drastic changes. The most important changes that should happen right now are changes in the war on terror, the economy, and education.

In my opinion, the war on terror is the biggest issue you should focus on. It has a drastic affect on everything that goes on in the United States. While George W. Bush was president, he sent troops to Afghanistan in result of November eleventh. He then sent troops to Iraq for reasons unclear to me. Many people died, and many people have to live the rest of their life physically and emotionally ill. As president, I feel that you should bring our troops home. We cannot afford to lose anymore lives. Why are we worried about terrorists on the other side of the ocean when we have terrorists right here at home? The United States needs their mothers, daughters, fathers and sons back.

As the United States’ president you should know that our economy is on the decline. People are saying that current time mirrors the Great Depression. Many people are out of work, cannot afford food, clothes or shelter. I personally know a few people who have lost their jobs because of budget cuts and lay-offs. Those people have then been turned down minimum wage jobs. How are they going to eat and support themselves and their families? What about their children? How is the next generation going to survive?

Speaking of the next generation, education has a huge impact on our future. Starting in grade school, the emphasis on the English department needs to increase. Many kids go through school without the basic reading skills. The emphasis on the learning of a second language should also increase. It will be really helpful in the future because of the increase of the Hispanic population. Another education issue that needs more attention is Financial Aid. In the transition from high school to college, many high school students have to decide which college they are going to go to or if they are going to college. Many choose which college because of financial issues instead of which one they really want to go to. Or, some may not even go because of those financial issues. Those students should have that choice.

The United States really needs some help. As the 44th president of the United States, you are the one to help it. You should start your term on the right foot by handling the big issues. First, bring our troops home and end the war on terror. Then, the economy and education come next. Every issue is dependant on each other. Once the ball starts rolling in the right direction, the United States and you, as president, will accomplish a lot.

You have my support and trust.
Valerie Washington

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dear Mr. Obama, (2)

Dear Mr. Obama,

I would like to say congratulations on your presidential election. It must feel good. Being President is a big responsibility and you have many things to look forward to. Changes need to be made, and the people are looking forward to you making them. The most important things you should start with are the war on terror, the economy and education.In my opinion, the war on terror is the most important issue to focus on at the moment.

While George W. Bush was president, he sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq. Many people died. As president, I feel that you should bring our troops home. You should also do your best to discourage terrorism so everyone can feel safe. It would also decrease the amount of racism in the world and create a more united state of mind for people everywhere.

As the United States’ president you should know that our economy is on the down fall. People are saying that it mirrors the Great Depression. Many people are out of work, can not afford food, clothes or shelter. I personally know a few people who have lost their jobs because of budget cuts and lay-offs. Those people have been turned down minimum wage jobs. How are they going to eat and support themselves and their families? How is the next generation going to survive?

Speaking of the next generation, education has a huge impact on our future. Starting in grade school, the emphasis on the English department needs to increase. Many kids go through school without the basic reading skills. The emphasis on the learning of a second language should also increase. It will be really helpful in the diversifying of the Unites States. Another education issue that needs a little bit more attention is Financial Aid. In the transition from high school to college, many high school students have to decide which college they are going to go to. Many choose which college because of financial issues instead of which one they really want to go to. Or, some may not go because of those financial issues. Those students should have that choice.
The United States really needs some help. As the 44th president of the United States, you are the one to help it. First things first the war on terror needs to be handled. It will help everyone feel safe again. Then, the economy and education come next. Every issue is dependant on each other. Once everything gets handled, the United States will be stable again.

I support you completely and hope that you handle everything in a good manner.
Valerie Washington

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

To Obama:(1)

Dear Mr. Obama,

I would like to say congratulations on you presidential status. It must feel good. Being President is big responsibility and you have a lot of work to do. You should first start with the economy, education and the war on terror.

As you know going into presidency, the United States' economy is beyond terrible. People are saying that it mirrors the Great Depression. Many people are out of work and many can't afford food, clothes or shelter. I personally know people who have lost their jobs because of budget cuts and lay-offs. Tose people have been turned down minimum wage jobs. How are they suppose to eat and support themselves? How is the next generation going to survive?

Speaking of the next generation, education has a huge impact on our future. Sarting in grade school, you should put more emphasis on the english department. Many kids go through school without the basic reading skills, which is really terrible. You should also emphasize the learning of a second language. It will be really helpful in the diversified of the U.S. In the transition from highschool to college, you should try and make financial aid easier for the one who want to go to college but really can't afford it.

In my opinion, the war on terror is the most important issue to focus on at the moment. Why? So the U.S. can feel safe again. It will also decrease the amount of racism in the world. As you continue the the war on terrorism, please don't forget about the unnessary deaths in Iraq. There are other ways then violence.

The U.S. really needs some help. And as the 44th president of the U.S., you are the one to help us. First things first, the economy needs to be turned around. Then, education and the war on terror come next. As you might know, everything affects everything else. Once the ball gets rolling in the right direction, it's going to be hard to stop it.

You know what you need to do.
Valerie Washington